Annie Plotkin-Madrigal

Deputy Director • She/Her

Annie is the Deputy Director of Equation Campaign, focusing on supporting grantees, partners, allies and our team to realize our vision of a fossil free and climate just future. She coordinates the Equation Fellows program and oversees our grantmaking portfolios, and supports the team in executing our strategy. 

Annie brings experience in highlighting and uplifting bold, innovative ideas; previous to joining the team, she was the Fellowship Director for Ashoka US, where she led efforts to build and support the nation’s leading social entrepreneurs and innovators. She grew up in a household dedicated to indigenous land rights and environmental justice, establishing a lifelong focus on supporting those at the frontlines of our biggest environmental fights who have the most to teach the world.

She grew up between Arlington, VA and Escazú, Costa Rica, and outside of work she spends her time rock climbing, reading about astrology, and listening to Bad Bunny. 


Katie Redford


Samantha Lumpkin